Thursday 25 October 2012

Precious: A True Story

Yesterday I had to oppourtunity to go and meet Precious Williams, the author of Precious (not  to be confused with the film that was based on the book titled Push), at an Author event at Canada Water Library as part of their Black History Month celebrations.

Anyway, it was such an amazing experience, I was able to relate to a lot of the things she talked about as I am too an export of private fostering within an interracial family. I left wanting to find out so much more about my own beginnings and having so many questions about myself that I need answering.

I have always had issues with my identity, and hearing Precious' story made me confident, that at some-point in this journey of mine, I will one day feel comfortable with who I am.

It also made me feel so much closer to my own foster parents, it made me thankful that the bond I had with them was so strong and I thank them every day for giving me the unconditional love that they had for me and the amazing start I had in life and for playing a major part in the person I am today.

I want to thank Precious Williams, for writing this book and letting other people like me know that we are not alone.

I urge you all to read this book.

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