Friday 12 October 2012

I scream you scream we all scream for... Trifle?!?!?

Rex Features
I just love love love trifle. It's so delicious with it's creamy, custardly, cakey, fruity goodness. Oooh, it's just so yummy. I'm literally salivating at the thought of eating one right now.

Where did my love for this layered delight come from, I really don't know. All I do know is that ever since my mouth was graced with my first spoonful of the stuff, I've been obsessed. I loooooove it.

Seriously, anyone that brings me a trifle right now; I'm talking at least a 450g one, will literally be my best friend for life.

My goal by the end of the year is to learn how to make one. So if anyone out there is an expert trifle maker, hit me up on twitter @zainizzle and share some recipes.


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