Monday 1 October 2012

Rant of the day

I want whoever invented PPI hung drawn and quartered and outside my house right now so I can kick them in the face. Not because I was falsely given PPI when I didn't need it, but because of the flood of spam I receive on a daily, hourly, minutely (if that's a word) basis to my Hotmail account.

It is so damn annoying. Every time my phone buzzes I dread it, each time I receive an email I literally want to launch my phone across the room. Seriously, Hotmail, what's the big whoop? Can't you friggin' sort out your spam filter, I mean how is it that my Yahoomail and Gmail accounts (touch wood) have the power to send these 'stoopid' types of mail straight to the spam box, but you a service I have used since I was a wee lass, can't give me the same common certasey, it's just rude!

I am so, so, so tired. I've followed all these steps that people have given me online like creating filters to stop emails that contain certain words launching themselves on my inbox, but still they come. They're like a horror movie monster that just doesn't die.

I've even contemplated closing down my account, but as the sentimental girl that I am, I don't want to get rid of it. I've had it since I was 14, hence the weird name (and no I will not post it on here, if I don't want my inbox filling up with dumb messages about PPI, claiming money for accident's that I haven't had etc etc, I honestly don't want a fresh new batch).

So I guess I'm just gonna have to suck it up and take it like a man. Or delete Hotmail off my phone.

But no, why should I have to miss out on legitamate emails. Just beacuse Microscoft cannot offer a service that supposedly caters to your needs.

Hotmail, sort ya self aaaawt!


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