Monday 25 June 2012

New! The sucker consumer in me....

As you know I love a good new product and I'm a sucker for anything with a 'new' label on it; so you wouldn't be surprised to hear that my eyes lit up this Thursday when they landed on a green bottle labelled Ribena Apple. Okay, okay so it's not like Ribena Apple is new per se, I mean I do know it's been out for years in carton form..... but dude it's in a bottle!!!!

So I've had a taste, first time I actually liked it. But second time, it tasted a bit weird, sorta milky; however I did get it from some dusty corner shop so that might have been the reason.

Newbie rating: 6

Friday 8 June 2012


You know that feeling of major disappointment you get when you go and see a movie that you've been so excited about and end up leaving so deflated as soon as the credits start to roll?

Well that's the feeling I got when I watched Prometheus.

I was utterly, utterly disappointed, I expected way much more. It just goes to show that trailers and there 'sucking-in' music are liars!

The film just kept getting worse and worse as it went along, all throughout I was hoping that something amazing would happen and it just didn't, it just didn't.

Oh and the deaths were totally lackluster, even though I'm not big on horror, I wanted way more gore, the  featured deaths were so boring and I felt like a lot more of the deaths could have been focused on.

And I totally wasn't feeling Noomi Rapace's English accent, it kept slipping and made me lose focus, I kept thinking  'is she supposed to be English' all the way through.

The winner of this movie was definitely Michael Fassabanger. When people go on and on about a certain actor, I tend to shrug them off as I don't want to fall for 'the hype'. But seeing Fassbander in this movie gave thruth to all these claims I've been hearing for so long. All I can say is 'WOW'! No fo' reals, dude is an amazing actor.

But even Mikey couldn't save this for me. I give it 6/10
