Friday 29 January 2010

KiD CuDi 'cudderisback'

KiD CuDi "cudderisback" - Directed by Jason Goldwatch - from DP on Vimeo.

Skins: My Verdict

I just have one word to describe my feelings on last nights episode: DISAPPOINTED! Yes I was utterly disappointed. The episode was soooo slow. I actually found myself drifting off at times... it was that bad. I mean yeah I know that it was supposed to be some kind of sad story-line for Thomas and all that blah blah, but sorry your opening episode has to comeback with a bang. Okay so yeah that girl getting coked up and falling from a great height was a shocker, but that was the only piece of high intensity throughout the whole show. Even Thomas' plight at cheating on Panda was lost on me. Even, Effy's come back was a bit poor to me. Overall I grade last nights ep a big fat


I would have given it a lower grade, but I must admit I thoroughly enjoyed the scene where JJ, Thomas and Pandora are watching a movie, the fact the JJ is so oblivious to what Thomas and Panda are talking about had me cracking up.

The Future Is Here; The Future Is The iPad??

The iPad (or iTampon as it has become popular known on Twitter) was announced this week. Personally I find it all funny; it looks like a giant iPod Touch/iPhone. Every time I see it I crack up.

But enough about what makes me Laugh Out Loud, lets get a lowdown on the spex:

  • 1.5 pounds in weight
  • 0.5 inches thick
  • 9.7 multi-touch IPS screen
  • 1GHz Apple A4 chip 
  • Available in: 16GB, 32GB, and 64GB
  • 10 hours of battery life
  • 1 month of standby time
Apparently, it will run all iPhone applications and will include the new feature iBook Store. It will also include:
  • WiFi
  • Bluetooth
  • A speaker
  • A microphone
  • and lots more (lol)
Prices for WiFi only models start from $499 (16GB), $599 (32GB) and $699 (64GB).
3G enabled models will range from $629 (16GB), $729 (32GB), and $829 (64GB).

All in all I'd rather get me an iPhone (as you all know my undying love for it). I just find the whole concept of lugging around that big mass of techno all too strange if you ask me. I don't know maybe at a later stage I might change my mind. I still think that Apple is trying to punk us all and it's all a big joke.

Yay! GTA: Episodes Coming To PC And PS3!!

As a hard-core gamer (as I would like to think), I am happy to announce that expansions 'The Ballard of Gay Tony' and 'The Lost and Damned' are coming to a PC and PS3 near you. You don't understand how happy I am; as a person that has no access to a Xbox I was ever so upset when I saw adverts of the games, got myself hyped up and then found out there was no way of me playing them. So it is such a huge relief to find that I will now be able to experience the same frills as the Xboxers. Yay!! The expansions will be available on single disc retail on March 30th (the countdown begins) and available for download from PlayStation Network and Games For Windows Live.

Thursday 28 January 2010

The Fashion Spot: Accessories

I am totally in love with these rings (for all that don't know me I have an addiction to unusual rings, they are my cr*ck):

This cocktail ring is just delicious and is available just in time for Valentine's day - Available in both antique silver and gold

This little piece of art is my favourite- Available in antique gold and silver

And The Most Hated Woman In The UK Goes To... Miss Katie Price

Wow that is actually deep. I can honestly say that I actually feel sorry for her. I don't know why she has got such a hate parade. I mean do people have short memories, she's not the one who divorced Peter; he divorced her. So why is she seen as the bad one (okay so she's done things within the public eye that are not too fresh). But who are we to begrudge her some happiness. So what if she got a new man. I'm sure if you had a friend who out of the blue got divorced by their spouse and then moved on, you'd be happy for them. But oh no Katie Price gets a new man, and she's hated. Where has all the female support gone. Wow people are actually deep. Like I have to keep reiterating. She was the dumpee not the dumper, why can't she then blast her ex-husband, has she not got the right to do that. I mean if my husband dumped me, I know I'd do the same. I don't understand why Peter, gets all the love and she gets all the hate. If people start chatting 's' about it's because of the publicity, then they need to sit down. I think they're are as bad as each other, when its comes to that. Yeah yeah, Peter waited to tell his side of the story. But sorry, hold on wait, stop the press, wasn't their whole marriage based on their publicity, so what was so wrong about Katie (who as I keep saying was the one who got dumped), going on TV and telling the magazines what went down. So to all those people hating on her, and chatting 's' about her, don't act like you weren't reading the magazines and watching the TV shows. Cos you know that if she didn't say anything then you would be hungry to find out. I do not see what she has done wrong in order to become the most hated woman, only than to be divorced and move on. C'mon people step your game up, there are so many other people in the UK that have done bad things yet a woman he gets divorced by her husband gets the title. Shame on you!

Monday 25 January 2010


I really really want an iPhone, it's not fair... everyone else has top notch gizmatic phones and I'm stuck with some 2007 phones booohoohoo...

Friday 22 January 2010

Desperate (Romantics)

I'm really mad at you my fellow followers, I exposed my love for Aidan Turner (Mitchell Being Human), quite vividly and you didn't have the decency to tell me about Desperate Romantics. All I can say is Oh My Gosh!!! I saw more than I thought I would ever see and that is not a bad thing! The word 'flesh' is all I can politely point out...gotta keep it PC! Daymnnn!!! Aidan Turner looking as HOTT as ever!! I know I'm on my lateness thing with this programme, but this show was actually well worth the watch. Well worth the watch!! I'm not really one to watch period dramas (I must admit I only started watching the show cos of Aidan; ending up actually not really liking his character, so you can't accuse me for having a bias), but this show was really good. I liked the pre-21st century bromance that they portrayed. It gave a comedic relief to a show I wouldn't have otherwise understood. On the real though it's got me really interested in the 19th century; right after the show I did my wikipedia thing. The 19th century is actually very interesting, it's not as uptight as I thought it was. There were quite a few scandals, and people would get away with things, that you couldn't in this day and age. So yahhh good stuff!!!


What I really want and what I'm on the look at for are... Pacman wellington boots!!! If you my faithful followers find some please let me know!!!


Imma bit upset lost 2 followers boohoo!!

Congratulations Mo’Nique

Wow who would have funked it? The loud and proud (and yes annoying at times) Mo’Nique, winning a Golden Globe?

Well let me say this, ‘SHE BLOODY WELL DESVRED IT!!!’ it’s always been said that ‘comedians make the best actors’, but I personally don’t find her funny..... AT ALL..... Okay well, maybe sometimes, when theirs know one at home, to witness me laugh, I might let out a little chuckle. But I have to give credit where credits due. After watching her amazing and shocking performance in ‘Precious’, I’ve actually grown to like her; I’ve even resulted to watching her talk show on BET.

It’s funny what an amazing film can do to you, and I don’t just mean in the performance sense, but in the sense that, talent can actually mean something, in a world where we’ve replace:

Good singing for Good use of Auto-Tune,

Amazing actors/actresses for People who Pout and Look good on our screens,

and Great TV for The same old “REALITY” TV programme, with the Rich Girl, and her Rich Friends, her Expensive Bag, with her Booming Business (which she founded on the show btw) and her Insure Boyfriend... blah blah blah(I could go on).

But Precious is one of the films where, it’s like ‘where are the good looking people?’, ‘where are all the stars?’ (Yes I know Mariah Carey’s in it for all of 2 seconds), but it’s one of those films where, we follow the story, watch the amazing acting (from the entire cast), and great directing, it’s kind of like one of those uplifting movies, for the simple fact it represents what Hollywired doesn't anymore.


P.S if you haven’t read, the book I recommend it as well, to get more of an insight. Luv Ya

Thursday 21 January 2010


Since I started tweeting I now officially have 18 followers yay!!! And I've offically tweeted 100 times...Gosh I am such a nerd!!!
Follow me @zainizzle

To Diet Or Not To Diet

Here is my blog posting that I was going to use to enter Company magazines competition:

There are so many things in this world that will get a giggle off me. But this post is not about my favorite comedy movie, nor is it about TV shows that make me roll on the floor laughing.

This is about the 'Diet Industry. 'OMG'! I can already hear the gasps of shock. How can the Diet Industry make someone laugh you may ask? Well let me tell you. The reason why every time I hear of a new fad diet such as the cabbage soup diet, a smile crosses my face (not a smile of delight more like an insider smile) is because this industry is making so much money off us, when there is a simple, free and easy alternative.

Okay so you won't lose 2 stone in 2 weeks but this method is so easy, natural and you can eat the food you like. What is this diet you scream reaching for your purses. Hold on ladies, like I said this is a 'free' method!! So hold off with the notes. Before I start I have a few questions that I need to ask you in order for you to reflect on what the Diet Industry is doing for you the consumer:

Do you actually know how much the Diet Industry is making off us?

Are you certain that what you are buying, is actually worth it/or actually works?

So the Diet Industry makes a lot of money. Which consists of our hard earned cash. We fork over thousands a year for a quick fix to lose weight; when the answer of how to become thinner is right in front of our eyes.

Ladies Ladies calm down! The time has come for me to finally reveal my secret. Well it's not really a secret. I guess you could say it's common knowledge. A lot of us already know this secret, but we chose to ignore it because, we are caught up in the world of having the perfect body right now. This takes me back to my sociology lessons in school. This is called immediate gratification. We want the nice perfect body right now, but because of reasons which differ from person to person we don't have the desire to wait we want it right now and as I have previously pointed out this can be highly dangerous.

So here it is. Yes I am telling the truth and I will not be waffling on. The secret is smaller portions and exercise. Yup, I can hear the moans now. 'Is that it, I read through all of this to be told that all I need to do is eat smaller portions and exercise more pah! Disappointed? Don't be! It is my mission to stop the women of Britain forking out thousands and putting their lives in danger to achieve this idealistic look.

You can still eat the food that you want but you have to take notice of what you are eating. This means that you can still have that chocolate cake that you've been dreaming of all week, but it also means that you shouldn't be having said cake everyday. It is all about portion/size control! Forget counting calories, it will drive you crazy! Just fill up more with the good stuff, and downsize on the bad stuff!!!

In regards to exercise, I know there is that I can't be bothered attitude (I mean I have the same thing). Or the 'I can't afford or be bothered to go to the gym' attitude. Well, my advise to you is to walk. Yup, walk; walking is the most effective free and easy way to burn. Start of with 30 minutes a day (this can be broken up into 2 sets of 15 minutes if time is a issue), and I'm not talking strolling here people. I'm talking about the type of walking that leaves you breathless but at the same time be able to hold a conversation walking. And if you can't be bothered to get out of the house, there is always walking up and down the stairs!!!

With this healthier lifestyle, you will still achieve the body that you desire, maybe even better because of the exercise and you will feel healthier and more energetic.

I'm not a dietitian or nutritionist, all of this is just advice; so if you feel the need to look into it further I would advise you to talk to a nutritionist or dietitian.


OMFG!! I know this may seem a bit sad me saying this but I'm being followed on twitter by Dimension Films. Omg I feel like I'm some kind of royalty! Some one pinch me now! I repeat someone pinch me now!!!!

Tuesday 19 January 2010

Pack it in!! Edition 2.0 8YR OLD TERROR SUSPECT

Eventually we all have to stop and ask ourselves, has modern security gone too far? Ask Michael Hicks, an eight-year-old from New Jersey now he cant be a terrorist...or can he...??

No I'm kidding guys he isn't a terrorist but he has been on the terror watchlist since the age of two. That's right people read it and weep the poor guy has been given a bit more than the ol' pat down each time he goes through airport security. Odd? Yes indeed it is. But why?

WHO KNOWS?! He's an eight-year-old Cub Scout for crying out loud! However his name is among or at least a close match to another name on the US terror watchlist. Although lil ol' Mickey apparently isn't on the 'no-fly' list amongst 2,500 dangerous civilians his dad, a US Navy veteran, had the pleasure of finding out from an airline official that he "was on a list" and then subsequently denied a seat to Florida. Correct me if I'm wrong but of all the lists you want to be on, iTunes download chart, the Grammy's, Golden Globes, this is one you'd rather be left out of.

According to The Times newspaper good old Mike was frisked on the way out to a family holiday in the Bahamas and then frisked "even more aggressively on his return flight." The Times goes on to say that,

"Micheal is the apparent victim of America's increasingly heavy-handed system
of airline security. The attempted underwear bombing of a Detroit bound flight on
Christmas Day led US officials to add even more names to the country's terror watchlists."

There's always one person that has to ruin it for all of us. It makes you wonder what type of system is involved in deciphering who does and does not make "the list." Micheal's mother, a photojournalist, hits on the seriousness of the situation, "Its Scary because he's eight. What happens when he's sixteen?" I'm guessing he'll be getting a little more than a good frisking...
Where do they think Cub Scout Mikey is gonna go? Taliban summer camp???

There are some situations you just have to say...PACK IT IN!!

Click here to see a full article and picture of the lil terror...and i mean that in a completely un-terrorist related way.

Monday 18 January 2010


I know I know it's been along tome since I posted something and for that I apologise! What's my excuse you ask...? Well I believe that it is a gud'un. I have been experiencing the world of Twitter as an ex-anti Twitter person I find it so scary that I have become so addicted in such a short amount of time. But yeah that's what I've been up to I know it's abut of a lame excuse but I don't wanna lie to you my humble followers lol. If any of you follow me on Twitter already ( it's @zainizzle) you will know that I have been through quite a lot on these past few weeks so you will know the reasons beyond my absence. But again I apologise and I beg you to forgive me and to continue following me here on this here blog and on Twitter. Again that @zainizzle. Ciao baby's! Until next time!

Wednesday 13 January 2010


So I was doing my Internet trawling thing and came across on an article on ShinyShiny which made me bare paro. Do you actually know what things Facebook keeps???
  • You know that butters pic your friend tagged of you that you untagged and thought you would never ever see again? Or the status or comment you deleted, believing that it had vanished off the Internet world for good. Well, think again because Facebook keeps all of this info on their big fat server;
  • Gone are the days when you thought that you were anonymously stalking someone by looking through their pics, because Facebook keeps a log of this;
  • The other week I got a Facebook Best Friend badge I went to investigate and found that this was based on Facebook activity between friends; apparently Facebook tracks how often you interact with a person's profile and how many times you click on it....

Gosh it just goes to show how much of our liberties are taken away from us as we develop more and more into the Digital Age!

Tuesday 12 January 2010

ASOS Leather Jacket (Issue)

I really want a black leather Jacket...I've been seeing them everywhere and I think now is the time that I purchase one. I have collated a wish-list of possibilities:

 ASOS Studded Leather Biker Jacket

ASOS Longer Length Leather Biker Jacket

ASOS Cropped Leather Biker Jacket

Oasis Studded Shoulder Leather Jacket

Monday 11 January 2010

Rant of The Day

Why is it that people persist on making up fake celeb profiles on social networking sites. Argh it gets me so mad cos you know I'm one of those stalker types (lol just kidding or am I??), so it's nice to have the thought that you are in a way connecting to one of your favourite celebs; it makes them seem almost normal. So to have some jumped up mofo creating some fake profile and getting your hopes really takes the f-ing biscuit!!! I'm not even gonna bait up who I fell for, only those closest to me will ever know...Oh the shame the mighty mighty shame!

Sunday 10 January 2010


This is one of the reasons why I preferred Sims 2:


I'm on my lateness steez again!! How the hell did I not know that there was a video for Sharam feat. Kid Cudi 'She Came Along'?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!


People! People! People! I just did it!! I just broke my Twitter viginity!!! I am now offically a Twitterer or whatever they call it!!! Yay!!! Follow me if ya want...its @zainizzle


Yes I will be buying Chris Brown's new album... alright yeah I know it's been out for a while, but I just came into a lil bit of money after my poverty stint, so now is the time!! I don't know why people are still hyping...yeah he did something, but my man says he sorry. Leave it in the past, we don't know what went down, we weren't there. I don't think that this should ruin his career. Let me just say I love this terms of performance and song style he has it down! If he had a concert coming to Londizzle yes I would go. So to all the haterz...I just wanna say suck out...I will be buying his album and yes I officially love Transform Ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday 9 January 2010

Being Human!!!!

So finally people peeps we all as a nation got to glimpse into the world that is Being Human for a second season. So please, tell me what did you think? Were you as excited and as impressed as me? Well obviously I had a different experience than most, as this was actually my second time watching the episode; as many of you may know I had the privilege of watching it way before you lot and those lucky people who got tickets to Being Human Live on the 7th, because I went to see it at the BAFTA building up Piccadilly (omg you do not understand the rush that goes to my head everytime I mention the whole BAFTA thing). Anyway let me stop before I get ahead of myself like I always seem to do. It was different this time round especially because I was watching on my tellybox. I guess I understood what was going on more, I don't know if that makes sense to you?

Friday 8 January 2010

Primark Online Store Petition

People it's that time again, lets get this revoloution started. Head over to:
Primark Online Store Petition
65 signatures and going strong! People get the word out!

E20: Eastenders Online Spin-Off

So the time has finally come to unleash the youthful streets of Albert Square onto our computer screens. Yes E20 launched tonight on the BBC website.

Check it out here:

My initial thoughts are quite positive; as with most things, it is not really easy to make a judgement on the first show. But so far I am quite impressed. With the recent boom of online series and the interlink with the main show, I predict that this show will be a success!

We have already been introduced to Zsa Zsa, Fat Boy and Leon in the main show and tonight we finally got to meet the fourth and final member Mercy.

Familiar faces from the main show that popped up were Zainab Masood, Lucy Beale, Lucas Johnson, Masood and Mo Harris.


Yes OMG! How is it that I am only now just finding out that HEROES season 4 is coming to a United Kingdom telly near me!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Yep, you heard it right Heroes season 4 is coming to a telly...okay, okay I'll calm down...It's just that when I found out I was in total shock!!! I was expecting it to come some time last year and was so angry when it didn' to out of the blue find out that it is coming on BBC 2 on Saturday at 10:10 pm is a real shocker!

Tuesday 5 January 2010

Inter-Racial Relationships

This is a highly debated topic, which I feel the need to bring up. Why is it that living in the 21st century people still have ignorant feelings towards two people that want to have a relationship just because they are not of the same race. Why is it that as a black woman people will look down upon me and my partner if he is of a different colour to me. Why is it that we have to work twice as hard as a couple that are of the same race, to say to the world that me and him belong together. Gosh things like this just get me so mad!!! Like there are still people amongst my own peer group that find the fact that a black person and a white person can be together is wrong. I dunno I'm one of those tolerant people where I believe that there shouldn't be an obstacle such as race stopping you from being with the one that you love.


So I've been doing that reminiscing thing again...first it was Beverly Hills, then it was Melrose place, soon after it was Baywatch and now I'm on that Sunset Beach thing (I wonder what it will be next I'm thinking Sweet Valley). When I was in year 5 or 6 (I think I was about 10/11), we had a weekly SB table chat thing. Oh wow how big we thought we were thinking up different conspiracies to why we thought certain things were happening.

Now, looking back as a 21 year old (who has had more life experience then I did as a 10 year old) some of the story-lines we found to be so amazing, are so flipping corny OMG they are full of corn cheese mate. But that is not stopping me, my love is still there no matter how excruciatingly bad it is...I'm up to episode 49 now (okay so i know there's like 500 or something out there but hey let me live and love it).

Rant of the Day!

You know what I will never understand...why women get boob jobs so that they can have mahoosive breasts. Have you seen the prices of bras that go past the DD they are so bloody expensive. Oh and the styles that they have don't let me get started on them, most of them are so horrid! Flipping Grandma bras. This is the question I pose to ask; if so many women get boobs bigger that DD to make them feel sexier, why are there not that much bras that can fit them that are sexy? Okay let me break it down, when I go lingerie shopping I see thousands of sexy/beautiful bras for boob sizes below DD, but when on the hunt for bras that are sexy/beautiful for boobs that are DD and above the bras tend too focus less on aesthetics and more on support. Okay I know women that have bigger boobs need more support but that doesn't mean we can't have nice looking bras too... jeez!

The Beautiful Life: Episode 5: The Beautiful Campaign

The latest episode so far on YouTube:

Crush Alert!!!

I am sooooo in love with Aidan Turner! (Okay let me tone it down!!!) I think that Aidan Turner (the dude that plays Mitchell in BBC Three's amazing show Being Human) is F****ng HOTT! Nah, I mean it he's got this dark mysterious look about him that is really sexy and that accent... Damn! By the way he's even hotter in the flesh.

Omigosh this has got me acting like a teenager, all coy and such. But yeah Aidan are F****NG HOTTTTT!!!

Monday 4 January 2010

What Is Confidence?

Why is it that there are some people that can go for things and are able to go so far out of their comfort zones and then there are the people that are too scared to go for what they want or desire and are hiding behind this thing that we call confidence? So that is the question I pose for today. What exactly is confidence and how do we get it?


Can somebody anybody teach me how to use twitter!!! I mean it... no joke. I'm on it and I'm following people (and people are following me, as you already may know I have 6 followers). I know that you can write statements and add people, but that's about all! What's this retweet malarkey about? How do you retweet anyway? How do you talk to someone? How do you change your background picture? For a tech-head I'm pretty clueless with this one!!! So there must be someone that can help me and teach me the basics...I know I was skeptical in the beginning when Twitter was the next best thing since sliced bread. But I want to jump aboard the Twitter-wagon too!!!

Being Human Screening

First things first. All I have to say is that Aidan Turner is f****ng hott! You know them ones where you are in like with someone in the media and then you see them in real life and you are bitterly disappointed; well this was not one of them ones. Aidan Turner is 100% viably f****ng hott!

Okay, I've fanned myself down and I'm ready to tell you about my trip to the Being Human Screening. Let me just say it was amazing!!!

Me and my Being Human pal arrived in Piccadilly on time!! Yes I said it, we arrived on time. Cos you know with these type of events its not about being late because YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED IN! Anyhoo, tell me why we ended up at the Ritz like we could afford it and not the Bafta building (the funny thing is we actually walked past the Bafta building when we were trying ever so hard to find it lol). We walked in through the double doors to be greeted by some suited and booted dude, gosh I felt like i was royalty. The carpet we walked on was so plush; it was so soft I felt like I was walking on sand. Even the bathroom was nice, it had both hand wash and cream! Now how many bathrooms do you walk into that have cream???

Wow I sound like I have never been to a nice place before....

You do not understand how excited I got when we were told that Aidan was there, my friend had to stop me from turning around. All throughout the actual screening, I was getting all giggly thinking 'omigosh, omigosh Aidan Turner's behind me' like a schoolgirl. Don't get me started on how I acted when he was doing Q&A's. Apparently, when the guy next to me was on the mic asking a question (when I thought I was being discrete), I was told that I kept saying 'omigosh, omigosh'...quite loud.

But back to the actual screening and enough about my lil crush. Like I mentioned before the first episode in the second season is amazing. Yup, Being Human is coming back with a bang!!!

Because I don't want to be the one that ruins it for the rest; I'm not going to reveal what goes on in the episode, but like I keep saying viewers will not be disappointed!!!

So tune into BBC Three at 9:30 and be prepared for horror, laughs and even scenes of nudity lol!

Sunday 3 January 2010

The Beautiful Life: Episode 4: The Beautiful Triangle

Episode 4


Who else is excited about Mark Wahlberg's next HBO instalment; How To Make It In America??!!?? As a mahoosive fan of Entourage, I'm over excited. It has finally got an air date: Feb 16th; 2 days before yours truly's bday!!! Okay I know I should stop celebrating cos this is actually the US air-date, and there has been no mention of the UK picking it up. But whatever viva la Internet!!!

UK Exports

OMG! So I have just found out that they are to produce a US version of Shameless! When will it stop!!! I know I should have that feeling of 'Pride', but with the disappointments of  The Office: An American Workplace and Life on Mars, I don't know where I stand on this discovery.

There have been many US remakes over the years; from game-shows to dramas, with many being very unsuccessful. So my fingers are crossed on this one.

Shows of ours that are shipping off to America in the future are:
Hustle-Apparently there are talks of turning this into a film.

Even Gavin and Stacey's getting a US remake!! OMG that is one show I would want to see. I wonder how they will develop an Americanised version of  the Welsh-Anglo love story that we all know and love in sunny old UK. Sadly the show will  not be written by creators James Corden and Ruth Jones so I have fears of it not having the same essence as the original.