Thursday, 21 January 2010

To Diet Or Not To Diet

Here is my blog posting that I was going to use to enter Company magazines competition:

There are so many things in this world that will get a giggle off me. But this post is not about my favorite comedy movie, nor is it about TV shows that make me roll on the floor laughing.

This is about the 'Diet Industry. 'OMG'! I can already hear the gasps of shock. How can the Diet Industry make someone laugh you may ask? Well let me tell you. The reason why every time I hear of a new fad diet such as the cabbage soup diet, a smile crosses my face (not a smile of delight more like an insider smile) is because this industry is making so much money off us, when there is a simple, free and easy alternative.

Okay so you won't lose 2 stone in 2 weeks but this method is so easy, natural and you can eat the food you like. What is this diet you scream reaching for your purses. Hold on ladies, like I said this is a 'free' method!! So hold off with the notes. Before I start I have a few questions that I need to ask you in order for you to reflect on what the Diet Industry is doing for you the consumer:

Do you actually know how much the Diet Industry is making off us?

Are you certain that what you are buying, is actually worth it/or actually works?

So the Diet Industry makes a lot of money. Which consists of our hard earned cash. We fork over thousands a year for a quick fix to lose weight; when the answer of how to become thinner is right in front of our eyes.

Ladies Ladies calm down! The time has come for me to finally reveal my secret. Well it's not really a secret. I guess you could say it's common knowledge. A lot of us already know this secret, but we chose to ignore it because, we are caught up in the world of having the perfect body right now. This takes me back to my sociology lessons in school. This is called immediate gratification. We want the nice perfect body right now, but because of reasons which differ from person to person we don't have the desire to wait we want it right now and as I have previously pointed out this can be highly dangerous.

So here it is. Yes I am telling the truth and I will not be waffling on. The secret is smaller portions and exercise. Yup, I can hear the moans now. 'Is that it, I read through all of this to be told that all I need to do is eat smaller portions and exercise more pah! Disappointed? Don't be! It is my mission to stop the women of Britain forking out thousands and putting their lives in danger to achieve this idealistic look.

You can still eat the food that you want but you have to take notice of what you are eating. This means that you can still have that chocolate cake that you've been dreaming of all week, but it also means that you shouldn't be having said cake everyday. It is all about portion/size control! Forget counting calories, it will drive you crazy! Just fill up more with the good stuff, and downsize on the bad stuff!!!

In regards to exercise, I know there is that I can't be bothered attitude (I mean I have the same thing). Or the 'I can't afford or be bothered to go to the gym' attitude. Well, my advise to you is to walk. Yup, walk; walking is the most effective free and easy way to burn. Start of with 30 minutes a day (this can be broken up into 2 sets of 15 minutes if time is a issue), and I'm not talking strolling here people. I'm talking about the type of walking that leaves you breathless but at the same time be able to hold a conversation walking. And if you can't be bothered to get out of the house, there is always walking up and down the stairs!!!

With this healthier lifestyle, you will still achieve the body that you desire, maybe even better because of the exercise and you will feel healthier and more energetic.

I'm not a dietitian or nutritionist, all of this is just advice; so if you feel the need to look into it further I would advise you to talk to a nutritionist or dietitian.

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