Friday 25 December 2009

Merry Xmas!

It's Christmaaaaaaaaas! Merry Christmas to you one and all! xxx

Thursday 24 December 2009

Rant of the Day: Part 3

Who the hell invented wireless Internet because I want to find that person and...and...and slap them. Why the hell is my wireless constantly disconnecting then reconnecting and why is it that if I leave my front room in order to lounge in the comfort of my bedroom it doesn't connect at all! Arrrgh this is driving me crazy... insane!!!

The Sex and the City 2 Trailer

Who here is excited about the next instalment to the Sex and the City saga?

May 28th can't come soon enough if you ask me. (Loving the use of Empire State of Mind-Jay Z)

Rookie Mistakes

Don't you just hate it when you do something and then after you do it you find out that you shouldn't have done that!!!!!! Arrrgh, it makes me fel so dumb...i'm not gonna tell you what I did because right now I am feeling utterly embarrased...embarrased with a capital E! Things like this only happen me!! Oh the shame...woe is me! Woe is me!


Lalalalala I've got 5 followers lol!

I Want One

OMG! How cool is this?

It's a Lego Camera!!! And yes...i'ts real!!!

  • 3MP
  • Built in Flash
  • Digital Zoom
  • 1.5 LCD Screen
The cool thing about this amazing camera is that you can attach other lego peices to it, and turn it into something crazy! Gosh I've turned into a little kid again! You can buy one for £39.99 from Argos (a nice little late Xmas present I say)

Another Rant!

Sorry how is it that every phone call  provider whatever; in the UK seems to be launching the iPhone except my own phone call provider T-Mobile?!?! C'mon T-Mobile step your game up!!!! Gosh even Vodafone have  stepped aboard the iPhone train, why is T-Mobile lagging behind??? I swear the forces are against me, someone just does not want me to own an iPhone!!!


So I'm getting a lil bit nostalgic, because I can't believe that the noughties are almost over. I remember 1999, sitting in a school assembly as a 10 year old, all getting excited about the new millennium and the Y2K scares. Now it's almost over. It's kinda scary! It's like the years flew past. I finished primary education, secondary education, college and uni and now I'm out on my own as an adult. I can't believe how fast time has gone past. It feels like the year 2000 was only yesterday.

A Lil Late

Hello my fellow readers, I'm on my late thing again...
So what am I late on today you may ask, well let me tell you...
I am blogging today from my iTouch (yup I said iTouch you all know that I'm too broke to own an iPhone); on a lil app that I found today called BlogPress... I'm so excited!!! You all know that I'm a geek so things like this excite me.

Rant of the Day!

Do you know what really grinds my gears??
It's the media and there accusations that all celebrity deaths are due to drug use!!! Death is a sad time and it only makes matters worse when people are off in corners whispering and speculating that the reason for their death is due to them abusing drugs; be it prescription or illegal. Why is it that someone in the public eye cannot die due to natural causes and be able to rest in peace!!! Gosh it just makes me so mad!!

The Beautiful Life: Episode 1: Pilot

Here guy's the very first episode of The Beautiful Life as promised:

I will try to upload an episode a day.

Monday 21 December 2009

Sad News!

Brittany Murphy
10/11/1977 -20/12/2009
At this moment in time I am so upset. I can't believe that Brittany Murphy is dead. She was just 32; I know they say that death has no age but she was sooo young, and it is even sadder when someone that young dies! My heart goes out to her family at this difficult time. My prayers are with Brittany...RIP

Thursday 17 December 2009

The Beautiful Life is Back!!!

Yes you heard it! The Beautiful Life is back!!! Executive Producer Ashton Kutcher announced it on his Twitter page. You can watch episodes on YouTube in full right here:
The Beautiful Life YouTube Page
I will try and post the episodes up on this here blog.

Wednesday 16 December 2009

Skins 4

As a fan of skins (Yes a fan of Skins; in uni we had our weekly Skins night); I was excited to hear that there was a video previewing the upcoming series.

Check it out here:
Skins 4 Trailer

There is also the chance to catch skins before it makes it onto the telly; on 25th January at BFI Southbank
Tickets are £5 and it is a strictly over 16 event.

Go here to buy your tickets (but be warned tickets are selling out fast)
Skins 4 BFI Preview

For all you Skins cast wannabes there is also a FREE casting workshop after the screening with Jane Ripley. However my chickerooes this workshop is restricted to those who are between the ages of 16-19 (I know so unfair!!!)

Friday 11 December 2009

The Cleveland Show

Omigosh I am so excited about the Cleveland Show coming to the UK. Yeah baby it's official E4 have launched a Cleveland Show page on their website:
The Cleveland Show
stating that it will be coming in the new year. I know there are some like myself; whom are shocked that it didn't make its way onto BBC3 with its sister shows; Family Guy and American Dad. But being that E4 is a channel with a huge following, I believe that it will be a safe home for it.
I do have one question that Cleveland has left the 'safe-haven' of Spooner Street; who will replace him???

Final words: Roll on the new year!!!!

Thursday 10 December 2009


So I've been on Twitter for a few months...a long story... which I will tell. So it started on Facebook I had just gotten over the loss of my beloved digital camera...which is another story. Don't worry I won't be telling it...TODAY! Anyhoo, so I was nursing my wounds from having just lost my beautiful pink Casio digital camera... I called her Cassie (R.I.P Cassie my love one day me and you will be reunited) and an advert flashed up about winning a brand spanking new camera. Those that know me, know I can't resist competitions and the others that know me, know I can't resist technology. So 1+1 equalled more than two so I thought wow this will help me get over Cassie, so I decided to enter. But there was a catch...I know I're probably thinking "There is always a catch". Well, yes there was and this catch was that you had to be a member of the prestigious club of Twitter. At that moment in my life I was an anti-twitter; couldn't see the hype about it. But I was like this was one sacrifice I had to make in order to win this shiny new digital camera; it's what Cassie woulda wanted. So I joined...and there was another catch. In order to win this beautiful camera...wait for it...wait for it...wait for it. I had to take some photos...YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!! Why can't things be so simple like dropping your name and answering a coupla questions? No!No!No! This competition wanted you to take some photos. As you know by now this was not possible for me as of the recent passing of Cassie. So I thought forgetaboutit! And that's what I did. I forgot about it, until... curiosity got the better of me and I decided to check out my husbands twitter (no I am not married, that is another long story). I was hooked! Okay not totally hooked, I just liked having this false sense of closeness with my husband; wow how crazy do I sound. But yeah, it was nice; knowing what he was thinking (and again my inner stalker makes another appearance lol). So here I come to what this whole post was actually about. Tell me why. Please somebody tell me why. I have 5 followers. Yes I repeat 5 followers. When I have written jack all. I have not twitted one single thing. I find it quite flattering that some people in the world find my blank page so interesting.

A Lil' Trip Down Baywatch Lane

So I've been watching some episodes of Baywatch and all I can say...yes my favourite line...all I can say with a youthful smile is... I LOVE IT!!! Okay so some of the story-lines are a lil bit corny and the swimsuits are way too high up in the ******* area. But the flashes of red, the slo motion running and a young Hoff, brings back great memories of being young and happy!!!! When I was a kid it was my all time dream to be on an episode either being a Lifeguard itself or a person drowning, most times it was a drowning person lol. Trips to the swimming pool would consist of me and friends doing are slo mo life savings; this also occurred in the playground too. Oh the sweet sweet nostalgia!!!

You can catch early episodes on its YouTube channel:
Baywatch YouTube Channel

Bare in mind there are only 10 episodes and I don't know if they plan to put any more on. I really hope they do though, because I am having fun getting back into my Baywatch groove lol.

We Need More Signatures

People please let's make this happen...we have 57 signatures and we need more. Let's get this Primark Online Store Revolution pumped. I have recently frequented the Primark website, and boy how misleading it is. Making us poor souls think that we could at least see what Primark has to offer. But no we are forced to see writing/text or whatever you want to call it. This is not on, why must we have to foray in the sea of queues when we live in the 21st century and Internet shopping is thriving! This is not on! We the people should have the option to sit in the comfort of our own homes and shop, shop until our little fingers burn from all the clicking! I call upon you the people to help with this battle....  
WHO IS WITH ME?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Primark Online Store Petition

Wednesday 9 December 2009


Have you heard the news??? Or am I late on this one like I always am? YouTube have started showing full TV shows. Don't get too excited and run over there now and think you can watch anything. They only have a select few. At the moment, I'm watching Baywatch...yup I'm a nostalgic kinda gal...I used to love Baywatch when I was a kid, always imagined myself on it. Donning a red swimsuit and running in slow motion; or I'd see myself as a person drowning getting rescued. Oh happy days (Tear in eye).

The iPhone: Move Over Textbooks

It's times like this that I wish I was back at school!!! I know shock horror I said and I put an 'I wish' at the beginning of it. No people I have not gone crazy due to the financial situation I'm in and lack of a prospective job, which is in fact driving me crazy, but that's another story. What I'm talking about, is something that I heard/watched on the news yesterday; which had me drawing for my navy jumper and dark skirt. The fact that these lucky kids in a school in some part of West London are using iPhones...yes I said iPhones as a way of learning. All I have to say is lucky ************ okay I can't say what I want to say with out the use of a swear word and I'm not to sure what those stars actually represent...I think I was just going a bit mad with the key. What I can say, are that those kids are so lucky. Omigosh, I am now officially old, I can't believe I actually used the word 'kids', it was only yesterday I was a kid myself, or so I like to think in my warped mind, who is fast approaching the tender age of 22 and saying over and over, it's not old, it's not old; I'm still young, I'm still young. Enough! Back to what I was saying. These kids use the excuse of apps (applications to those of you who do not understand shorthand) to help them with their lessons. Wait the best is yet to come. Get this, the lucky little tykes, as one of them stated only have to pay £10 of the call time. I DON'T BELIVE IT! I'm busting my balls off trying to find some kind of income, to pay for an iPhone which I have wanted for a long time; but can't afford cos the cheapest contract is £35 per calender month, and these kids, yes and I'm going to keep saying kids, just to make it more effective; these kids are ONLY paying £10, because their school is trying to pass off this little experiment of theirs as educational. All I can say is... that's not fair! Maybe I should find that uniform of mine, and try and sneak back into my old secondary school and see if I can get my hands on one. I say free iPhones for all; okay maybe just me.

Pack it in!! Edition 1: "PENULTIMATE EPISODES"

I don't know if its the Christmas fodder or if its because the end of the year is in plain sight but has anyone else noticed that everything on television is reaching its final episode especially if it was made in America??

Today, like a proper E4 junkie, I sat down and watched the final episode of Ugly Betty season 3 and like a proper nutter I went through a rollercoaster of emotions. Now I know some of you uppity blahs like to look down on this type of drama, a little bit gaudy, brightly coloured and sprinkled with its fair share of unfeasible developments but its not without humour damn it! Like a proper drama it does manage to develop its characters in a realistic way and throws in some intensity (death, disease, bankruptcy) in the mist of all the sparkle. Anyways....

If your from the States your not accustomed to viewing TV programmes about a year behind the rest of the world (unless your viewing from Nigeria...due to bad electricity its hard to get through one episode of anything over there) but if your a plain ol Brit and have succumbed to online streaming ahead of the scheduled broadcasting then here is a list of some of the programmes that have come or are coming to an end this month:

Ugly Betty (tear)
One Tree Hill -do people still watch that?
Samantha Who?
Flashback -you know the one like lost with all the characters from lost in it
Supersize v Superskinny
Curb your Enthusiasm

What would you say was the WORST season finale you have seen this year?

Monday 7 December 2009

Jeremih Raindrops Video

My first thoughts this a 'REAL' video? No for real can somebody out there...anybody tell me if this is a real video. Because if it is not a real video, the my perceptions will change, but if it is a real video then all I have to say is...

BUTTCRACK...omg so I'm watching this at like ten something in the morning and all I get is a computer screen full of ASSSSSSS! I can tell you now it is not nice. Imagine waking up to butts in your face? It's not nice!

Okay I'm not gonna go on my female empowerment steez. I'm just gonna say my bit from my own perspective. I ain't got no disrespect for strippers professional dancers; I'm like do what you gotta do. If you need to make some P then who am I to say anything to you.

But for real this is definitely a male fantasy video. Coz I can tell you now this video, would not make me get up and buy it.

Gosh after the whole Birthday Sex fiasco of a video, I was really expecting much more; I mean I like Jeremih as a vocalist...just don't like his videos.

All I'm saying is that I hope this ain't real!!!!!

Grade: F

Friday 4 December 2009


Tell me why I am just finding out that the iPhone is coming out on Tesco Mobile.


I heard a rumour that Lemon Juice is really good for your skin??? So I post the question is that infact true and if so where can I get my hands on some good ol' LJ???


Okay why is the weatherman tryna lie to me telling me that it's going to be a clear day with sunny intervals, yeah right. I can just see it now, I leave my house wearing some nice clothes and shoes and there is another torrential downfall. Nah mate, I'm not feeling this hype. It protection for me, I donning my winter jacket, umbrella and wellies mate.

Wednesday 2 December 2009

Girl Crush

I have a new girl crush on Jessica Szohr who plays Vanessa Abrams on Gossip Girl.
She is my favorite character on the show; I guess it's because she relates more to the veiwers that are not part of the popular/rich clique and in a way she is the people's person.

Check this video of her as she goes shopping and bowling with Teen Vogue: