Thursday, 10 December 2009


So I've been on Twitter for a few months...a long story... which I will tell. So it started on Facebook I had just gotten over the loss of my beloved digital camera...which is another story. Don't worry I won't be telling it...TODAY! Anyhoo, so I was nursing my wounds from having just lost my beautiful pink Casio digital camera... I called her Cassie (R.I.P Cassie my love one day me and you will be reunited) and an advert flashed up about winning a brand spanking new camera. Those that know me, know I can't resist competitions and the others that know me, know I can't resist technology. So 1+1 equalled more than two so I thought wow this will help me get over Cassie, so I decided to enter. But there was a catch...I know I're probably thinking "There is always a catch". Well, yes there was and this catch was that you had to be a member of the prestigious club of Twitter. At that moment in my life I was an anti-twitter; couldn't see the hype about it. But I was like this was one sacrifice I had to make in order to win this shiny new digital camera; it's what Cassie woulda wanted. So I joined...and there was another catch. In order to win this beautiful camera...wait for it...wait for it...wait for it. I had to take some photos...YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!! Why can't things be so simple like dropping your name and answering a coupla questions? No!No!No! This competition wanted you to take some photos. As you know by now this was not possible for me as of the recent passing of Cassie. So I thought forgetaboutit! And that's what I did. I forgot about it, until... curiosity got the better of me and I decided to check out my husbands twitter (no I am not married, that is another long story). I was hooked! Okay not totally hooked, I just liked having this false sense of closeness with my husband; wow how crazy do I sound. But yeah, it was nice; knowing what he was thinking (and again my inner stalker makes another appearance lol). So here I come to what this whole post was actually about. Tell me why. Please somebody tell me why. I have 5 followers. Yes I repeat 5 followers. When I have written jack all. I have not twitted one single thing. I find it quite flattering that some people in the world find my blank page so interesting.

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