Monday 28 May 2012

Food glorious food...

So I really wanna get onto this healthy eating tip * I say whilst munching on my 2nd tuna melt*.

My friend put me to shame when ringing me whilst doing a healthy food shop and it got me to thinking, "Damn Girl you eat sh*t!"

Earlier this year and back in 2010, I really got into eating healthy and it did feel good, I was eating wholesome meals and feeling satisfied. Now you will find me nipping into fast food restaurants, tucking into meal deals and eating toast. Oh toast glorious toast, how I adore you, how I've become so lazy and eat you as a last resort because I can't be bothered to get up and make a proper meal. I really am unhealthy (and wonder why I don't wake up with washboard abs and slender thighs *sigh*).

Bread is my friend and my enemy, when I can't  find something  in the house to eat, my trusty bread is always there to satisfy me, but it doesn't 10 minutes later I'm ravenously hungry and then I start to pick.

Oh this story could go on, but its time for a change, I want to be healthy both on the outside and in. So I am going to research healthy recipes and make a healthy food shopping list and then go on a healthy food shop.

Let the healthy food lifestyle commence!

Beware men with big glasses and weird moustaches

Tonight Channel 4 again quenched my thirst for 'good films that I missed in the cinema' with The Lovely Bones.

What a film! What a film! And again what a film!

I experienced a cauldron of emotions; anger, sadness, fear and anger again.

I have to get up out of my seat *okay well my bed* and give Saoirse Ronan a friggin' round of applause, she is an amazing actress; her portrayal of Susie Salmon was literally heartbreaking. I knew her character was going to die but I still found myself shouting at the tellybox and willing her to run home.

Stanley Tucci as serial killer George Harvey was so friggin' scary, he had me so convinced. I can't believe that this is the same dude that was in The Devil wears Prada.

All in all I loved this film, it was so well put together, really made me think about the safety of my kid bro and sisters and even myself in today's society.
