Thursday 6 October 2011

Three Apple's changed the world...

As I sit here and type, I mourn for a man that I have never met, (and now never will), a man who has inspired me so much with a vision that has changed the way I and many others live their lives.

Yesterday, the world lost a technology legend.

Mr Steve Jobs ‘Co-Founder’ of Apple- 1955 -2011

For as long as I can remember Apple has played a major role in my development. I remember when I was at Primary School, I felt so superior to my mates in other schools when I told them that we had the colourful iMac’s. I remember it like it was just yesterday, the infamous Mac room. A room I spent many a lunchtime in just wondering in the splendour of an exciting new piece of technology, looking on at the boring black PC in the corner of the classroom with disdain and marvelling in the shiny white iMac’s with bright backs; not knowing that this would be the start of my love obsession with Apple products.

Next, came the emate 300; which taught me how to do spread sheets amongst other things. I remember once a week our head teacher would come into class, pop in a classical CD and we would go to town on our emates; learning all about formulas; we thought we were mini-Einstein’s. I felt like Queen Smug when I started secondary school, and told the teachers I already knew how to do spread sheets.

Not forgetting the newer and slimmer iMac’s; learning how to create and edit software opened me up to a side of creativity I never thought I’d be able to explore and in turn my love of technology grew.

What made me fall for and pledge my allegiance for Apple over all other technology, was definitely the introduction of the iPod. I believe that the iPod is the  invention of my generation that I have come to identify the most with.

Though not an owner of a Classic iPod, my love affair with iPod’s, began when I bought my first one; the 2nd Generation iPod Nano in Green. I remember this was the first thing I had ever bought that was over £100 and it was literally my baby, funny thing is I still have it today.  Now I have a 1st Generation iPod touch, which is my pride and joy. I actually cried when it fell on the floor and actually prayed to God in thanks that the screen did not shatter.

For those that know me and those that are long followers of this here blog. They know that my long term passion is to own an iPhone. I’m on a mission; it’s not that I can’t afford one; it’s that I want the latest one. Every time I turn around a newer version is out. Maybe I should just stop holding out and get the iPhone 4S….hmmm but then the prospect of an iPhone 5 is more appealing.

But to move on and stop waffling on about myself. I just want to take a moment to acknowledge a man that created one of the biggest phenomenons of the 21st century.

Three Apples changed the world, the first seduced Eve, the second fell on Newton’s head and Steve Jobs brought us the third, with a small chunk bitten out.

Steve Jobs I salute you. RIP.

To end in the words of the great man himself.

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Lady in REEEED!

The Red Jacket is officially the IT possession of the season!

Here are my fave picks.



Dorothy Perkins


Loves this...