Monday 31 December 2012

A lil bit of this and a lil bit of that

OMG! Marks and Sparks have got a half and half loaf.

Half white bread and half wholemeal!

Yes it is a slow news day, but guys how amazing is it.

Mother brought it into the house a coupla days ago and I'm so happy! Hope it makes a regular appearance in my mother's shopping bag. It's hard being a wholemeal eater in a white bread household, but this makes it fair.

Friday 14 December 2012

Girl Crush

So it's official, I have a new Girl Crush!

Drum roll please!

*drums a rollin'*

It's Miranda Kerr!

Google Images

Imma quote me some Alicia on this one, 'that girl is on fire!' She is HOTT, Orlando Bloom is one lucky bloke.

I've always heard  they hype, but it wasn't until seeing her on this years Victoria Secret Catwalk, that I thought dayuuuuuum!

Miranda Kerr, is now my official fave Angel; cue me going off on a Google stalk of her lol


Thursday 6 December 2012

Hey if you feel comfortable

This ad just emulates coolness don't you think?

I love it, dude is just like f*ck getting my feet burnt, imma walk on down the beach with my shoes on, I don't give a f*ck what y'all all think of me, immma do me, I'm comfortable.

Oh and I love it when the dog gets up and strolls along with him, classic just classic.


Monday 3 December 2012

I've been influenced

So I've been doing my lil Hollyoaks catchup catchup and through all the subliminal product placement; I now have a new item added to my Xmas wish list. Wait for it...

A Nokia Lumia


Dude how 'cool' do they look, it actually makes me want one over an iPhone.

Gasp, I know I bet you can't believe I just said that, me a glorified iPhone wanter (if I can use that as a word, actually fudge it, I'll use it as a word); has just said that they would buy a Nokia Lumia over an iPhone. Wow. They really have infiltrated my buying mind.

But like I keep saying I am a marketing person's best friend. I'm the consumer they target.

I feel like eating on the toilet today

Yes I did say that and yes you did hear me correctly.

There's a bathroom themed restaurant located in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Japan called Modern Toilet; where you sit on unworking toilet seats and eat over sink-tables. You drink from mini plastic urinals and eat out of plastic toilets, its sooo cool.


And for dessert a special helping of this...


Seriously they need to bring one of them over here!

Sunday 2 December 2012

The lateness in me

As you may have already gathered on this here blog; I am one of those people that catch onto things late. So you won't be surprised to hear of my new obsession.

I know I know this song has been floating out there for a while now; but hey forgive me I've been outta this music game for a hot minute. But now I'm back and I'm telling you I tre adore this song right here. I literally play it on a loop. I loves it. And yes I am playing it as I type.

Hello there Angel, you have now become my new obsession.


Handy Household Tip

Here's a handy tidbit for you lovely lot. 

If your cylinder vacuum cleaner has limited suction you may need to check it for blockage. 

To check for a blockage in the hose; first remove it from the vacuum cleaner and then drop a large coin through it. Don't use as a pen as it will most likely get stuck if there is a blockage. If the coin doesn't fall all the way through then yup you have it, there's a blockage. 

It's so simple to clear, just use a mop or broom head to push it up towards the handgrip and voila blockage annihilated.

Trailer Time

"Standing outside...."

Here come the Girls... well for a 2nd season that is.

Roll on Jan 13!
