Tuesday 27 August 2013

Aaron Paul Breaking Bad Audition Tape

I love it when I come across great actors audition tapes; as an actor myself it reassures me that I'm on the right path and that even people who are established actors have to audition too.

As I'm one of those people that are always late to the party, be not surprised that I have only just got into Breaking Bad.

But wait before you gasp with disbelief, I just want to let you know that I'm now onto Season Three (thank you very much) so I am getting there. And yes I am hooked! My fave character by far has to be Jesse, he's just so amazing. And disclaimer to those that know me I do not like him in that way, yes he has blonde hair but No! I just think he is an amazing character and is portrayed by an amazing actor.

So of course I was excited when I saw Aaron Paul's audition for Jesse online.

Peep it below.

Time for my favourite word. Amazing just amazing, even though he fudged up you could just tell he was right for the part. Oh and I loved that he fudged up because it just goes to show that actors do fudge up on auditions and still get parts, and to think that Aaron Paul fudged up and still went on to play an such an amazing character who will go down in cult history is fricking amazing!

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