Thursday 26 September 2013

New Video: Drake - Hold On We're Going Home

The Miami Vice themed vid sees Drake play a crime boss who has to rescue his girlfriend when she is kidnapped.

Time to put my 2 cents in.

I looooooove this song, it's my official repeat song! I'm obsessed with it.

The video has grown on me. I'm not gonna lie at first I was a bit disappointed, but I do like it now. Love the whole story to it and it was nice to see Aubrey doing a lil acting poo; even though I wasn't really convinced with him being some top crime boss.

One thing that bothered me though, was the main girl. Seriously though who just sits there in white lace lingerie staring at themselves in the mirror? Was she waiting for Drake, cos my man seemed to be having fun in the club and we all know he wasn't gonna kick and go home til the early hours of the morn; so was she planning on sitting there all night? Also she didn't even look shocked or scared when she got kidnapped. What was up with that!?!?!?!?!?! Sometimes as an actor you have to be prepared to get ugly and it seemed my girl was more concerned with getting her pout perfected than being scared.

Another thing was why did they need the balicalvas? I'm sure the 'kidnappers' were expecting them to come anyway so what was the point of them? Though I did like Drake's. Loving the tears.

But like I said I did like that it was a mini film and I loved the message that he would do anything to get her back so all in all it was a good vid.

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