Monday 20 August 2012

Rejection is a bitch!

In my short little life, I've always missed out on opportunities because, I used to have this thing that people call 'a fear of rejection'.

I was like so many people in this world who miss out on major life changes just because we don't want to hear the two letters N and O put together.

Up until last year if I saw something that I really wanted, no matter what it was, be it a job or a class or some major life changer, a big part of me would always talk myself out of it; because all I could see in front of me was rejection and that really scared me.

Why? I don't know, maybe it's because I'm a coward or maybe it's because I'm someone who wants everything to go well and for everyone to like me, I dunno. All I do know is that it was a major factor in my life and has blocked me from so many opportunities and it's something that I regret allowing beat me everyday.

But you know what after a lot of soul searching and confidence building, I'm pleased to say that I now no longer fear rejection. I know that there is so much more to life than cowering in the corner because I didn't hear what I wanted to hear. In this past year I have pushed through that barrier and I have taken the majority of opportunities that have come my way. My new yolo is f**k rejection; if it does happen, dust your shoulders off, pull your socks up and move on.

I have this thing I do, if I do get rejected from something I really want. I call it Zee's 2 Steps. Step 1 Mourn, yep I will draw the curtains, stock up on junk, bad telly, sad music, the whole shebang, cry my heart out, whine that my life is sh*tty and I'm never gonna have any fulfilment, scream, do whatever I need to do to get it out of my system and then 'Step 2', Move on. After an hour or so of being gloomy, I've unpacked my laptop, notebook, phone, whatever is nearest and I've started to make plans on what to do next. Seriously that's all I need and afterwards I find myself feeling so much more better and so much more focused on my dreams and goals, that the rejection I felt no longer holds any bearings on me.

What I'm tryna say is yeah rejection may be hard and yeah  it truly is a bitch, I mean none of us really want to be rejected.  But if we do get confronted by the rejection dragon, I believe that we have to fight it or we will just end up feeling worse off then what we would have been if we had just taken the chance.


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