Friday 3 January 2014

Trailer Time: Veronica Mars

My fellow marshmallows the time is here. The time for the first official trailer for The Veronica Movie has
been released!!!!!!!


*take time to breathe*


Okay got that out of my system.

Peep the trailer below.

Not one to toot my own trumpet, but as many of you may have known, I myself backed the Kickstarter (got my goodies in the post the other day ahem) so I'm pretty proud of myself right now. I made this happen! Me!

I'm tré tré excited. I mean I knew they were filming it and I saw the teaser clip they released a while back but this trailer cements the fact that it's real and that it's really happening! For years I sat at my computer getting a tinges of excitement every time I came across news of a supposed movie, so the fact that I am witnessing it now in trailer form, truly is a dream come true.

March 14th can't come soon enough, or whenever it gets released in UK cinemas (here's hoping it does, please don't let me down).

My only gripe is Veronica ending up with Piz. I always have been and always will be Team Logan, here's hoping she ends up with the right man at the end of the film *cough cough Logan cough cough*

In celebration I think this calls for a Veronica Mars Marathon!

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