Wednesday 24 July 2013

Bread Bread Bready Bread

Those that know me, know that I am a bread fiend. I literally have bread for brekkie, lunch and dinner. I just loves me some bread. Don't get me started on how cray cray I got when I found out that you could get whole loaves at just 20p if you go supermarkets after certain times.

In the past I've tried to limit my bread intake, I even gone as far as to attempt a bread detox; I lasted 2 months and was hella proud. But of course old habits die hard and I was straight back to my old ways days after breaking my bread fast.

So as a lover of bread you can only imagine my glee when I spotted this over at

Protein Bread

It's called Protein Bread and has seven times more protein than normal bread. 

However at £4.49 a loaf I might have to sit this one out.

If the price tag doesn't frighten you, Protein Bread is available now at Muscle Food


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