Sunday 14 February 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Happy Valentines Day to you all xxx
I'm not really one for all that lovey-dovey bull moloney; but as it is the official day of love... just wanted to say 'I Love You' to all my valued followers...there I did back to business.

So what is this Valentine's Day???

Saint Valentine's Day is named after the martyred Christian saint 'Valentine' and was established by Pope Gelasius I in AD 496. It was first acknowledged as a romantic holiday in the High Middle Ages in the circle of Geoffrey Chaucer; where 'courtly love' was in its peak. So to all you Valentine's Day haters (me included) it is not a hallmark created holiday!!! Valentine's Day is a long-time traditionally celebrated day of love.

We need to get past the chocolate, cards and gifts and see it as a day where love is openly celebrated. So if you are one of those people that think of it only as a day filled with chocolates, cards and gifts; then my answer is... don't buy them. Instead use the day to spend time with your loved ones and tell them that you love them. Simplessss!!!

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