Tuesday 16 February 2010

Happy Pancake Day!!!

Yay!!! Happy Pancake Day!!! Let the Pancake party commence!!!
Me and my mates have this lil tradition where we make a huge batch of pancakes and just go crazy, but unfortunately due to certain circumstances we won't be able to do it this year *wiping a tear*.

So what is the true meaning of pancake day. Because it sure isn't just about gorging ourselves on them.

Pancake Day falls on Shrove Tuesday, this is the day that precedes Ash Wednesday; the first day of Lent (the Christian season of prayer and fasting). On this day before Lent people make pancakes which many consider to be the 'last feast'. Pancakes include the ingredients: Sugar, Fat and Eggs. These food types are traditionally 'restricted' during the period of Lent.

I always get upset cos Pancake day always falls on days surrounding my birthday, but never on the actual day. So I did my internet thing and I found out that in the years 2042 and 2048 Pancake day will fall on my birthday!!! Yay!!! Celebrate good times c'mon!!!!

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