Sunday 7 August 2011

London has gone craaaaazy!

In all my 23 years of life, I never thought that I would witness something as ludicrous as these "riots"?

I mean I've seen them on the telly and stuff but I'd never thought I'd witness the day that I would see shame-faced looters and massive fires on my own back door step.

The total destruction of shops and houses, is sickening. It's a disgrace! What started out as a peaceful protest turned into utter destruction.

What I don't understand is, if people are angry at the police, why the hell are they damaging buildings and looting. Just using the protest as an excuse to cause havoc and pain, it is ridiculous!

The fact that people are walking around in the broad light of day, just packing their load makes me sick. Yeah, yeah people joke around that they would loot in a situation like this, but I never thought I would see looting to this magnitude.

Even though I'm watching it on the news if feels surreal. You just don't expect to see things like this in modern day Britain.

I believe that anyone that was involved in this debacle, should be ashamed of their selves and expect the punishment that is coming for them.

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