Tuesday 7 February 2012


I need this in my life right now! I officially for the first time in my 23 years on Earth have the Flu or influenza (as its officially known)! I know shock horror me, miss all-time queen of health has the Flu....stop the presses!

Anyhoo on my horrendous journey through the terror that is the Flu, I found out an interesting factoid. Cranberry juice can help in the prevention of Flu...

According to a Daily Mail article:
Cranberries contain a molecule called non-dialyzable material, or NDM, which coats some bodily surfaces with a Teflon-like substance and prevents infection-causing agents from taking root.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-507661/Cranberry-juice-prevent-flu-stomach-ulcers--women.html#ixzz1lj7VgfN1
Believe I've already been down the shop and copped myself a carton of the good stuff. I'm gonna be chuggin 2 glasses a day, so I will never have to go through this torture again.

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