Wednesday 25 November 2009

To Tip or Not To Tip (Part One)

That is the burning question!

First we have to distinguish between a tip and a service charge.

A tip is a voluntary payment- a payment which the payee decides to pay (in accordance to how much and who to...blah blah...)
A service charge is a payment which a restaurant decides on (e.g. the amount)
(By the way these are my own definitions)

Phew, glad we got that out of the way...on with the story/article/or whatever you want to call it.

Okay so you walk into a restaurant, you sit down eat a meal, get ready to pay the bill and you see at the end that a service charge has been added. What do you do? According to; first you have to find out whether the charge is compulsory or not. If the charge is compulsory, by law the restaurant has to make this known to you before you eat your meal. The charge must be clearly indicted on the menu and either outside the building or immediately inside of the door.

If the service charge is not shown, you are within your legal right to not pay it. You can also get in touch with the Trading Standards and report the restaurant for unclear or misleading pricing, which is a criminal offence.

Also, if you feel that the service that you were given was poor, it is within your rights to refuse to pay it.

To find out more I advise you to visit:

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