Sunday 10 May 2009

Nekkid Pics!!!

OK so what is going on with all these naked celebrity picture leakages??? First Cassie, and now Rihanna! How do pictures off your own computer or mobile phone get leaked??? Coz according to some it is hard to hack into peoples personal computers...its got something to do with a network thingy ma bobby blah blah blah yah di how do they get leaked??? People peeps i say if you are going to take naked pics of yourself or film a sex tape...and you don't want it to get advise to you is to not do it in the first place...coz really and truly they're gonna get out there in the end...especially if your a celebrity...its just suicide man...unless u wanna sell a record or movie...or whatever your famous for doing...I'm just saying...let this be a warning!!!

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