Tuesday 1 February 2011

"Let's Talk About Sex Baby"

Usually I'm an advocote of the programes that Channel 4 Broadcast, but The Joy's of Teenage Sex takes the biscuit.

Yes, I'm aware that teenagers are having sex, and no I'm not trying to sweep it under the carpet; but right now we are going through a teen pregnancy epidemic and STI's amongst teens is on the uprise.

I am fully supportive of programmes that educate young people about sex, but this programme is going to extremes and teaching them techniques. I'm sorry, I don't know about you, but I feel that is the wrong approach. I feel that the message that is coming from this show is that "it's alright to go out there and have sex" instead of teaching people about the fundamentals and also the emotional side to sex.

The issues that they do discuss seem to have the same topic running through them each week
Week one the partcipants are learning how to give oral sex...
Week two the participants are learning how to give oral sex...
I'm guessing next week they are going to teach the particpants about oral sex...

And what is with those graphic sex scenes; there is actually  no need for them. Where is the line between educational video and porn???

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