Tuesday 2 November 2010

Team Janine

These are words I that I never thought that I would ever say, but I actually feel sorry for Janine.

What Stacey and Ryan are doing to her is pure evil. Okay so I know everyone hates her and in her stint in the show she has done some really evil and messed up things, but what she is going through must be really hard and I can only emphasise with her. She has to stand back and watch whilst the man she loves plays happy families with someone else and that must be the hardest thing she has ever had to do.

Ryan is going about this whole situation in the wrong way. From his standpoint he can’t understand why Janine can’t be content with him getting to know his daughter. But what he doesn’t understand is that he is freezing her out and in turn isolating her out of their relationship. Instead of sitting her down and having a heart to heart he just dishes it out and expects her to just sit there, take it and act like nothing has changed.

Obviously a baby is supposed to be the most important person in a parent’s life, but only a few weeks ago he didn’t even want to know her and now out of the blue he changes his mind. Janine is supposed to be living in the honeymoon period with Ryan giving her, his undivided attention, but now she has to share this time with a baby plus her mother, which for anyone can be hard. What Ryan needs to understand is that Janine should be equally important to him because she is his wife.

This is why I don’t think I could get with a man who already has a kid, because when I’m in a relationship, I want to feel like I’m the most important person and having to share that that importance with another person especially a child, I don’t think I could do, not just because of the child but because I now that the mother will always be there and I don’t think I could handle it.

Okay so Ryan wants to get to know his daughter, but he also needs to realise that he has got a wife and he needs to keep her happy too. All this sexual tension that’s going on with him and Stacey is so annoying. Just sleep together already and divorce Janine if you want to be with Stacey, don’t mess her around because we all know she will get her revenge and it won’t be pretty.

I used to really like Stacey and even felt sorry for her when Archie raped her and Bradley died. But now she has really grinded my gears and I can’t stand her. I just don’t understand why she has to keep being a bitch. What was the point of even telling Ryan that he was the father if she doesn’t want him involved, she’s just playing stupid games which will end badly and I can’t wait!

Team Janine All The Way!!

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