Monday 1 November 2010

Lucas The Traitor

Oh my frickin' days! I cannot believe it! Lucas North is a traitor and a cold blooded killer! What a twist!

I only started watching Spooks last season, but I always thought that Lucas was a good guy, and I felt sorry him after he spent all them years getting tortured; he definitely was my favourite character. But from the scenes that I saw of him tonight and from next weeks preview, has made me realise that people are not always what they seem to be.

I feel so robbed of my emotions for him. I can't believe that when Vaughn was blackmailing him, I actually felt for him and wanted him to get away with stealing the Albany file. Now that I know he's not the good guy, it's all changed and now I know that he will never be Lucas North again and everything will not go back to normal. I am actually seriously affected and I feel a little bit sad. The Lucas Saga is now over and Spooks will never be the  same (for me).

I applaud the writers of Spooks, you never know what you're going to get when you watch this show and tonight's episode emphasises this.

*Clap Clap*

This is truly great British Drama in Play.

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