Monday 1 November 2010

A Quick Moan

I'm so sorry to burden you guys with this, but I can't help it if I don't let this out I'm gonna scream and I don't need people thinking I'm crazy.

So where am I? I am in the waiting room at the doctors... so now you know why I am going crazy. For me has to be one of the most infuriating places to be in.

You rush to leave your house thinking that you will be late for your appointment and may possibly miss it. Only to get there and find out that in fact you will not be making your 4:30 appointment. Not because you were late but because at 4:45 the person who was scheduled in at 4:15 has just gone in. So you sit in that torture room clock watching and praying that the next name called is yours.
Every sound within that dungeon of torture is amplified, every sniff, cough and  sigh makes you want to suture off your own head or at least burst your own ear drums.
Sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff... get a frickin tissue and blow your 
damn nose!!!

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