Saturday 8 May 2010

Election 2010

Suddenly politics becomes that little bit more interesting...
I'm not going to say who I voted for, because I am not here to influence anyone's political view; everyone has the right to hold their own opinions, otherwise what would be the point of having a democracy?

Britain officially has a hung parliament! The first time since 1974.

So what is a hung parliament? A hung parliament happens when no one political party has an outright majority. In the case of the UK, to have an overall majority within parliament is to gain 326 seats. However, within this years general election the results are as stands; The Conservatives hold 306 seats, Labour 258, Liberal Democrats 57 and the 'other' parties 28.

At the moment, there are talks between the Lib Dems and the Conservatives and Labour, to form coalition parties. So far according to polls such as the Guardian's Poll people would prefer a LibLabour government.
Who do you think the Lib Dems should team up with?

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