Tuesday 27 August 2013

Miley Cryrus and 'THAT' VMA performance!

Excuse my words but what the flying aeroplane?!?!?

What the hell was that? Seriously Miley needs to stop! Okay we get it your tryna shed your good girl sugar Disney image but there is a way to do that and my girl has gone way too far.

And what's with this twerking obsession she has, like she's tryna make it her thing. That viral video of her twerking (see below) wasn't anything special, so freaking what!

And girl so needs to stick that tongue back in her mouth it's so not hot!

I have to actually stop my little sisters watching the We Can't Stop video. It's really sad because they used to be big fans of her back in her Hannah Montana days (I actually took one of them to see the movie when it came out in cinemas, I know I'd do anything for them even sit through pain and torture). I get that she's tryna deflect but she has seriously lost a big portion of her fan base.

And the grinding on Robin Thicke and using that foam finger to point to both his and her crotches, hmmm I just have no words! No words!

Every time I see her do sh*t like this I just think boi I wonder what Liam Hemsworth is thinking and his parents, the way my girl goes on that whole wild child act, you actually forget she has a normal fiancé. I guess love is strong then.

The Smith family's reaction was by far the best reaction of the night.

Their faces said it all.

To be quite frank I just think that Miley is just a little girl lost, a little girl lost. I'd have more respect for her if she went down a different route to shake her Disney image, there are many that came before her and many that have come and will come after her who have been and will be successful in shedding that image so I don't understand why she has to go to those drastic measures, but I guess no one except herself will ever understand and that's the sad thing.

As promised and especially for those that aint seen it;  Miley Cyrus twerking.

* Smith Family unimpressed face*

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