Sunday 12 December 2010


At this moment in time I am absolutely... extremely... words cannot express how much... HAPPY!!!

MATT WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woop Woop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now I can finally breathe, cos I've been holding my breathe since the moment his name was called for the final two.

Well done Matt! I knew you could do it! I supported you from the start! I've always been Team Matt!!

As soon as I heard 'The First Time' I knew that he would be the winner (or at least make it to the final).

So again, well done Matt, I hope you go far!  I mean this sincerely because this is the first year that I have actually ever cared what happens to the winner after they won. I hope and pray that Matt will have an illustrious career and that he goes on to have many success.

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